This wall hanging was a lot of fun to make.  It was designed and made for Barb and Todd, in celebration of their wedding.  They are avid canoe-ers and Todd enjoys a good day of fishing.  Like many of my wall hangings that I create, this one changed from the original that I had drawn out.  The original one or two salmon at the bottom, turned into a school of salmon.  And thanks to Nick, the quilt managed to, belive it or not, stay more simple.  There was still more I wanted to add in the end with machine quilting, but Nick does a great job consulting and balances my ideas well.  I also made a pattern as I created this one, so I can easily make it again.  Which I think I will.  Maybe next time I will switch in a tandem Kayak (hopefully ours will be finished by then).  It would also be a lot of fun to put in a fly fisherman and some trout.  What I really enjoy about the wall hangings I designed, is that other hobbies can easily be substituted in.  For instance, the Seattle Mt. Biker, can easily be switched out for a road biker, runner, or even a rock climber.   Oh, and perhaps the most impressive thing about this wall hanging, is that it made it onto the gift table at the wedding... no one or three years late. 

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