Elizabeth (middle top row) was expecting her second boy this past  winter so all of us girls got together to make the new baby a quilt.  From the top left: I made the hot air balloon, Elizabeth made the tractor, Barb (also expecting at the time) made the train, Angie made the airplane, Jessica the trike, Ashley the rocket ship, and the truck was made by Angie, Jessica and Ashley.  The quilt turned out super cute and all of the girls did such a great job.  The quilt was completely designed by us, the images were found online or in coloring books and then we adapted them and made them into patterns.  The girls then traced the patterns onto iron on transfer and then cut them out onto the fabric of their choice and assembled their own squares.  Barb also took the time and made two more needed squares the sailboat and then submarine.   I then took the quilt squares and machine stitched the appliques, added the borders, binding, and tied it off.    It was a great time and a great idea for any baby shower.  
Elizabeth has since had the little guy, Cameron, and we are excited to welcome him into our family of friends with a quilt and of course lots of hands willing to hold him and care for him.  
Barb and Todd Stunzi are expecting their first little one on April 13.  The girls in our Dinner group were very excited to throw her a shower, so I jumped at the opportunity to do the cake.  The owl on the cake came from Carter's Forest Friends, which is the theme in Baby Stunzi's nursery.  Also, I finally got to explore making edible pine cones to decorate along side of the cake.  The pine cones are made from marzipan, almond slices, and melted chocolate.  The pine cones were a bit difficult and turned out a bit squaty, but I'm happy I finally got to try to make them.  Nick was a big help and made the cake for me on his Friday off.  He did a great job and dyed the bottom layer with blue and green and the top layer with pink and yellow, so the cake was a lot of fun to cut into and celebrated not knowing whether the new Stunzi is a boy or a girl.  
Looking a little wrinkled after the road trip to Montana, the quilt was delivered.  It was made in record breaking time, just 4 days, not counting the hand stiched binding.  We used an image of a quilt for the stripes, but we added our own ideas to the white spaces including, bike wheels, bike chain, and bike gears, finishing it off of course with a tricycle and Andy's name.  It's a great pattern that can easily be customized with any theme and any colors. (You can click the images below to make them bigger)

Farmer's market bought cupcakes with homemade bike toppers
Nick's homemade peanutbutter chocolate birthday cake, designed inspired by a card made in Nepal
Bikes and gear, 3 dogs, and a weeks worth of stuff all fit.  This car never fails to amaze me.  We love it.   By lifting up the back seats, we were able to fit both of our mountain bikes, and all of our other stufff, leaving the back to all 3 dogs, where they managed to be able to all lay down .  Nick and I of course up front, with only the CD case at the passenger feet for easy access.  In the past we have had no problem fitting in our 2 mountain bikes, with only the front wheels removed, with our gear and plenty of room for Luna, just by laying the back seats down flat.  My next challenge is to see if our lawn mower will fit, when we go to a friends house for a yard work party.  I will keep you posted. 
Here are a few photos of the beer labels.  You can click on the images and make them bigger.  I truly enjoyed this project and would look forward to doing more if the opportunity came up.  It took me back to my high school years of computer graphic courses.  I used Adobe photoshop and illustrator in which I needed some refreshing for, so I resorted to the google search engine for some tutorials.
This wall hanging was a lot of fun to make.  It was designed and made for Barb and Todd, in celebration of their wedding.  They are avid canoe-ers and Todd enjoys a good day of fishing.  Like many of my wall hangings that I create, this one changed from the original that I had drawn out.  The original one or two salmon at the bottom, turned into a school of salmon.  And thanks to Nick, the quilt managed to, belive it or not, stay more simple.  There was still more I wanted to add in the end with machine quilting, but Nick does a great job consulting and balances my ideas well.  I also made a pattern as I created this one, so I can easily make it again.  Which I think I will.  Maybe next time I will switch in a tandem Kayak (hopefully ours will be finished by then).  It would also be a lot of fun to put in a fly fisherman and some trout.  What I really enjoy about the wall hangings I designed, is that other hobbies can easily be substituted in.  For instance, the Seattle Mt. Biker, can easily be switched out for a road biker, runner, or even a rock climber.   Oh, and perhaps the most impressive thing about this wall hanging, is that it made it onto the gift table at the wedding... no one or three years late. 
This cross country ski wall hanging was made for Nick's parents.  I think it was my first wall hanging I designed and made.  The large dog is representative of their big old Golden Retriever, Schoomer and the small one, Holly, at the time a Golden Retriever puppy.  I think I made it and we gave it to them for the Christmas of 08'.