Bikes and gear, 3 dogs, and a weeks worth of stuff all fit.  This car never fails to amaze me.  We love it.   By lifting up the back seats, we were able to fit both of our mountain bikes, and all of our other stufff, leaving the back to all 3 dogs, where they managed to be able to all lay down .  Nick and I of course up front, with only the CD case at the passenger feet for easy access.  In the past we have had no problem fitting in our 2 mountain bikes, with only the front wheels removed, with our gear and plenty of room for Luna, just by laying the back seats down flat.  My next challenge is to see if our lawn mower will fit, when we go to a friends house for a yard work party.  I will keep you posted. 
8/16/2010 01:44:49 pm

Love It.. Looks scary familiar... even th dogs and sweet pillow case look like some I know :)


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