I like to experiment with new recipes, lucky for me Nick enjoys trying the new recipes and helping out with them too.  A few recipes that we really enjoy, stick around and are repeated. This recipe we have made 3-4 times already.  It's great!  The toppings can easily be changed to your likings, but Nick and I really enjoy the toppings it calls for.  It's great in the late summer when the tomatoes in the garden are ripe and the basil is lush.  There is something about the fired crust of the pizza, the grilled veggies and fresh basil that screams summer. 
Try it out on a summer day, or to help cure your summer fever... which we deffinetly have.

Irish Whiskey, Guiness and Bailey's... car bombs?  Nope, cupcakes.  I found the recipe on smittenkitchen.com, yum!  I tweeked it a little, by using a box chocolate cake and substituting the water with the guiness, using 1 egg and the amount of oil it called for.  The frosting was made with the Bailey's, but, a word of warning, there was no way I could fit all of that powedered sugar into one stick of butter, I got maybe 2 cups of powedered sugar in before it crumbled, the frosting was extreemly stiff and it made way more than it was supposed to... maybe I read the recipe wrong :S.  So there was guiness in the cake, the flavor mostly bakes out, the bailey's in the frosting, it was good, so where was the irish whiskey?  In the chocolate truffle filling inside the cupcake!  Need I say more?  The whole thing was delicious.  

For the truffle inside, smittenkitchen.com said to use a 1" round cookie cutter to cut a hole into the cupcake and then fill with a piping bag.  I cut out the whole with a knife, being careful not to cut too far down.  It worked well.  I think a donut cutter would also work if you have one. 

Anywas there was so much tastey frosting left over that I had to make sugar cookies to use it up.  To make the frosting thinner I just zapped in in the microwave for about 10 seconds, then stirred in some milk.  I let it cool and thicken a bit before throwing into the piping bag to decorate the cookes.  But the cookies were very tastey as well.  I added some coloring to the dough to make them a bit more spring like :D
Sugar cookie recipe: