I found this recipe on a random blog that I happened to come by when I was searching for a recipe to cure my craving for a festive quick breakfast to take on the go.  The original recipe can actually be vegan, but I used one of the options to have yogurt in it instead.  I also added some raisins and toasted walnuts, which I will deffinelty do next time as well.  I didn't make the struessel topping and they were still yummy.  The recipe does call to use coconut oil, which can be spendy but everything I have made with it so far has been very tastey.  I use the unrefined which still has the coconut smell to it, but the refined version does not if you do not like coconut.  Why coconut oil?  Well it is a saturated fat I belive, but for some reason... which you can find online it is agreed to be an oil that is actually good for you.  Some research shows it can aide in weight loss, anti ageing, anti-cancer... and the list goes on.  It is solid at room temperature below 76 degrees, and a liquid at tempeartures above 76 degrees.  I have read in other recipes that you are to scoop out the solid oil and then melt it before adding to your recipes.  Another thing about this particular recipe is that it call for you to soak your grains for at least 3 hours, if not over night.  I guess there is some purposed health benefit to this as well... I do not know what it is, nor did I soak my grains, that may be an adventure some other time in life.  But I encourage you to try this recipe if you are craving a pumpkin muffin.