Whew! A deep breath.  Not that long ago I was sitting on the couch, feet kicked up onto the coffee table, laptop sitting on my lap, the sound of the keys clicking non-stop, the floor and every other area of the couch...besides where I was sitting, was covered in piles of papers, folders, and 1 1/2 years worth of school work.  It was almost over, I had taken all the tests, filled out the paper work, almost completed my student teaching, and was now compiling all of my work onto a CD to turn in with my final folder.  It always seems like that final push will never end, though you know that by next week it will all be over with.  Nick was kind and very patient, understanding why I was so cranky, he put dinner together, and took a deep breath every time I blew up about something ridiculous, like the laundry I didn't do.  
But, everything was finally finished, I said good-bye to the classroom I student taught in... which turned out to be in Silverdale, 5 minutes away from our house, which was so much nicer than my 2 1/2+ hour commute to my original student teaching location in Seattle.  I then packed up my backpack for my final commute to Seattle at the University of Washington.  I turned in my final student teaching videos, my compiled CD holding all of my work over the last 1 1/2 years and then checked to make sure my Master's folder was complete.  I then returned home, first by bus from the campus to down town Seattle, then a couple of blocks walk to the ferry terminal.  Where I waited for a while for the next ferry.  On the other side a couple of blocks walk back to my car, alternately I would take the bus on the Kitsap side, but I knew I would get back too late to take the transit system back home to Silverdale, so I drove.  It was then a 35 minute drive to be back home a while past dinner but a small amount of time before hitting the sack. I had completed my Masters Degree in Special Education, with emphasis in severe/low-incidence disabilities.  Though I still need to do the final steps to achieve my BCBA which consists of more paper work and a tough test, I'm going to take a short break and enjoy it.   

But it's completed.  And in just the last week, I have already baked cupcakes and cookies, cooked homemade pasties and a few other tastey dinners, made clay mushrooms for a pot, made a water feature for the back yard and have taken Luna for many walks.  The garden is underway and more projects such as quilts and more purses are on the list of things to do.  On the other list is to keep checking the job postings for special ed. teachers in the area for the next school year.  For a summer job... maybe a job on one of our local CSA farms.  Who knows, but I think I'm okay for a few more days of just taking it easy.  Check the different categories of our blog for more details of how I have been spending my spare time.