       I may always remember this summer as the summer of the garden.  I have enjoyed this, more than I ever could have imagined.  As the veggies grew in our garden, so do my desire to cook and appreciate food.  I have been exploring recipes to make from what our garden yields, and it has seemed to have cured my sweet tooth, desiring more often fresh, healthy food.  I hope to keep updating our blog with new recipes.  
        To think that it all began with Nick and the rented rototiller, soon there was a cedar picket fence, seeds, then soon sprouts.  As first timers we planted what was familiar to us; carrots, peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, lettuce, arugula, potatoes, and cucumbers.  The only thing that did not work were the onions... who knows why... they were a little late getting into the ground, in fact really late, because everything else was already late getting into the ground. 
      For first timers in the garden, I don't think we did too bad, except for planting so much there is hardly room to walk.  Our tomatoe plants grew into monsters, towering over our 7 foot fence.  Zucchinis have yielded non stop food all summer.... though I think that is pretty typical.  Though we had our doubts, the cucumbers came and they did not hesitate to take over what ground wasn't really left.  I built a pyramid structure out of cut down branches and supported the cucumbers to grow up it, good thing!  The carrots were crazy fun, coming out in all sorts of colors and one with an exotic shape (see picture below)!  The sunflowers grew and grew, they even passed up the edge of our roof. 
