Cutting up cheap plastic black table cloths we created bats, bigfoot, a spooky tree, and a cat which all came to life to  haunt our house as we set up for the Spooky Masquerade. The whole house suddenly became eerie as we turned off the lights and lit candles.   A witch topped the cake and spider webs covered our entry way.  Outside we cut up small pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns and hung them from shepard hooks with tea lights lighting up their creepy faces, which lined the path to our door.  The trick-o-treaters came and soon our guests arrived wearing black ties and long formal dress, masks covering their faces.  We played games and ate food, the men stood out in the garage chatting around the kayak with beers in hand until it was time to come in and play games.  

Games:  To our surprise a simple cre paper game was the biggest hit.  Before everyone arrived we cut different lengths of black cre paper streamers and hid them all over the house.  Once it was time to start the game we had each couple work as a team, we gave them head lamps and 3 minutes to find the most streamers they could and tie them together.  Mike and Ashley had the longest stran when the 3 minutes was up, and they won a fabulous prize of $1 store Sham Wows!  (hehehe)  Later on in the night we played a classic sleep over game Murderer, however we changed the name to Swine Flu... just for the fun of it.   If you never had the chance to play as a kid or you did and you don't remember how, its simple too.  We had enough toothpicks for players and colored one of the ends of one of the toothpicks.  Everyone then picked a toothpick out of a cup, the person who drew the colored one was the murderer or rather the virus ;).   Then everyone would start shaking hands, the murdere would simply move one of their fingers back and forth, like they were trying to scratch their victim... the victim would then shake a few other peoples hands and then announce they were dead.  The group then needs to come to a consenses on who was the murderer, if they group does not guess correctly the game goes on and the murderer continues to choose victims. 

Food:  We stayed with the basics for this party.  Chips, veggies, candy of course, carmel corn, a cake, and green swamp punch with a frozen red jello hand floating in it.  I found the punch recipe on allrecipes.com http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Green-Punch/Detail.aspx, it was actually pretty good and it was the color of Slimmer off of Ghost Busters.  We also had some meatballs from my sister Tanya's suggestion.  They're supper easy, we just bought some meatballs from Costco, throw them in the crock-pot and threw in some bbq sauce.  Overall the party was a pretty good time, I discovered how fun it can be to transform your house around halloween and make it look totally different, and by using the cheap table cloths, we didn't have to spend a whole lot of money.  However, I do look forward to halloween next year when Barb and Todd continue the original tradition of them throwing a halloween/birthday shindig.  Coming up next....Thanksgiving at our place with Nick's parents and hopefully my mom and older sister, then it's time to go out and cut down our trees, and throw our traditional Tacky Sweater Party... date to be announced soon!