This spring has been busy and great!  We had a wonderful visit with my mom and my little sister when they came over here.  We visited the tulip fields and enjoyed ourselves in the city.  Soon after, Trevor and Liz came into town and we shared some great beer at Pike Place Brewery and spent some time catching up.  We then dog sat a great dog, Samson, for around a month.  Luna enjoyed having another furry friend around to wrestle with at all hours. 
In the mean time we were able to make a quick trip back to CDA to catch up with some good ol friends, new friends, and of course family.  We were also able to finish the the long over due wedding quilts for Charlie & Amanda and Trevor & Liz, and hand deliver them.   
While back at home Nick has been busy with work, putting in the overtime hours, and working like a champ.  Even though he is so busy at work, he is still enjoying it and looks at it as a good challenge. 
When Nick isn't working, you can more than likely find him on his mountain bike.  He has been hitting the trails hard this year and he is getting into great riding shape.  He has weekly rides with some of our guy friends, and then he usually manages to drag ;) me out at least once a week.  If we aren't mountain biking we are usally tieing up the running shoes or taking the road bikes out for a spin.  Luna has also been enjoying all of our activities and she too is getting into great shape.  We clocked her on one of our mountain bike rides, running at 22 mph, and we believe that she wasn't even up to full speed.

Some of our great friends, Barb and Todd, just got married.  Lucky for me I was able to help them out by designing some beer lables for their wedding.  I really enjoyed making the labels, but could not have done it without Nick's help.  Nick came up with the awesome names of Barb's Pedal Pusher and Todd's High Flyer, which gave me the inspiration for what to put onto the labels.  We think they turned out pretty well, the bride and groom loved them, and everybody at the wedding couldn't belive that there were custom labels on the great tasting home brew... and some even questioned if it wasn't bought off the shelves at the store.  The wedding was a great time too, in Leavenworth, with a beautiful backdrop.  The groom wore a custom made purple velvet suit... pretty sweet.  Good friends, good beer, good times.
Belive it or not, our wedding gift to Barb and Todd, actually made it onto the gift table at the wedding.  It wasn't easy, I was actually finishing it on the way to Leavenworth for their wedding.  It was a wall hanging that I designed and made.  You can check out the picture of it under projects, along with some more pictures of the beer labels.  We will also be posting some more photos as well.  So check it all out.  Let us know what you think.