The last few months have continued to be full of great adventures.  Hayden has sprouted two lower teeth, more hair, countless smiles and has enjoyed eating solids of any kind.  Hayden is continuing to grow like a cute little weed and is in the 95% for both his height and weight! We enjoyed a great reunion with Nick's college roommates and their families in CDA at the lake.  We also enjoyed a great family trip to Jasper and Banff Canada, even camping out for one night... in October.  Over the last few days Hayden has even begun to "inchworm" towards desired things, perhaps we have a crawler not too far off (yikes!).  Time has flown by and we can't believe that 7 months have already gone by and that we are more than 1/2 way to Hayden's 1st birthday.  
11/4/2013 10:27:45 pm

He's gotten so big! I love the monthly pictures with his stuffed animal. Hayden makes one cute little mountain goat! I really need to take another sewing class so I can make my future kiddos cute costumes too! Luna looks like she can't wait for him to start crawling (the look on her face while she's laying next to him in his room says 'how can I play with him when he just hangs out there?" Kudos to you guys for camping in Banff in October. We camped there in August and I thought it was cold then! Love all the pictures! Keep 'em coming!

11/18/2013 04:01:44 pm

Love the pics... Took a double shoot of the bath shot. It looks a lot like Ari... He has some great expressions..


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