With four dogs who needs a dog park?  It was an exciting couple of days for the clan at the Rau's Doggy Hostel.  3 was good but 4 was great!  The spread of dog beds, the wrestling, and never ending tail wagging, along with great weather, made for a great time.  With four active dogs there was always a dog willing to play with the other one who was ready to play and then another who was willing to referee.  On Saturday we loaded all four wagging tails into the Subaru and hauled them all off to an old tree farm.  While Nick a I hiked over four miles, we are sure the dogs put in close to 8.  They all managed to squeeze in a nice mud bath and one dog "need we say who?" even managed to coat themselves in a nice "earthy" smell.  
We are now back down to 3, Samson has returned home to her exciting new life with a new little baby girl.  Congratulations Barb and Todd and welcome baby Virginia!

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