It's hard to believe that it was just about 2 months ago that we were in the hospital waiting (or should I say working) to meet our little guy.  The past 7 weeks have been pretty incredible to say the least.  Hayden's grandparents made it out to see him as well as his Aunt Tanya and his family members Cassie, Dan and Sydney.  Soon his Aunt Kendra will be visiting as well.  With each visit came some great company and some much appreciated help.  We can't thank our families enough for the time that they have spent with us so far.  Hayden is already changing and growing.  In addition to his hair becoming lighter and some falling out, he has definitely grown longer and is currently gaining around a 1/2 lb a week.  He is beginning to smile and coo and has even thrown out a pitiful pout or two.  While we have been enjoying our time around the house as a family we have also been venturing out, Nick ran a community 5 mile race while Hayden and I cheered him on.  We have joined back in with our Thursday night dinner group, adding the 8th kid to the mix... bringing our group count up to 24.  Hayden has even let us sit down (or bounce, swing, or walk) to enjoy some dinners out.  We continue to laugh at the joys of new parenting like getting peed on at least once a day and even getting poo in my hair at 1:00 in the morning.  Just when we think we have things figured out Hayden changes things up... it's nice of him to keep us on our toes :)  So far Hayden has also fallen into the Rau way of doing things and loves to move... currently he is enjoying us holding him while we bounce on the exercise ball, it's rare that he will tolerate us sitting on the couch with him, unless of course he is asleep and that is when we get to soak up all the cuddles that we can.  
I also got to enjoy my first Mother's Day and Hayden even let me cuddle with him, we went out for pastries in the morning  and Nick grilled up some juicy steaks for dinner.  It was a very relaxing day and I look forward to many more mother's days that I get to spend celebrating with Hayden.  Also a warm shout out to our moms, thank you for all that you guys have ever done for us a continue to do for us.  As I embark into motherhood I am beginning to understand just all that you guys have done and the depth of love that you have shared, and I am sure at  times have had to hold back on for our own learning advantages... Thank You! 
5/26/2013 04:39:56 am

Loved it all . Hayden is cute, and growing so fast. I cant wait to be able to hold him again. Love Nana

Susan Rau
5/26/2013 05:29:20 am

What lovely family pictures! Can't wait for you to visit NJ.


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