Once again it has taken us a while to update our blog, so we apologize.  Things have been busy for a growing reason.  The pictures below will show what we have been up to in addition to growing the little one.  Overall the pregnancy has gone well and we feel privileged for how smooth things have gone.  We are currently trying to get prepped the best we can for the labor process.  It turns out this lifestyle over the past 9 months doesn't continue for another 9 months, a baby really will come... ready or not.    We are getting excited to welcome the little one into our world.  So far there has not been too many signs that he is going to show up in the next few days, however the doctor did confirm that things are moving forward, so I guess it is time for Nick and I to put the car seat in the car and to pack the bags.  In addition to what the doctor noticed, I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks a little more often and I am starting to get a little more uncomfortable but overall not too bad.  We still have not told anybody the name, so you will all have to wait until he shows up.  I have a feeling it might be a little while before our next update, but hang tight because I am sure the next update will include many pictures of the new little one.   

The baby's room

We've been working hard to convert our office into the baby's room.  Looking back at the photos of the office I shutter with disgust... I am so happy that we had such a wonderful excuse to go through that room.  In addition to replacing the carpet in all of the rooms we also painted our guest room and of course the baby's room.  I found the image of these mountains in a magazine a few years back and have loved it ever since. However, no decision is ever easy for me and Nick so we had to throw around some other ideas before we finally decided to go with the mountains.  Nick worked really hard and did such a great job!  It was a lot of taping, which prevented a lot of bleed through, and a lot of waiting for paint to dry... he was up pretty late on some work nights to make his pregnant wife happy.  The mobile above the crib was made by our friend Ashley for the shower that our Dinner Group put on for us, we love it and it goes great with the room.  We still have some more things to hang up on the walls, but it is close to being finished. 

Family, Friends and Co-workers Spoil Baby Rau

We are so thankful and privileged to have such wonderful people in our lives.  Baby Rau already has so many people who care about him.  We had not one but three showers thrown for this little guy.  Each one was incredible and unique and hit a special spot, people really know us well and made each shower extremely special.  My family threw a shower back in CDA, which was great to see all of my family and friends that I grew up with, and Tanya did an amazing job with an incredible diaper cake which supplied us with many of the things we overlooked needing (bath stuff, diapering necessities and of course some toys).  The dinner group threw a North West Washington themed shower with raindrops, Bigfoot, Seattle seascape and some great games, lots of handmade decorations that look great in the nursery.  My workplace also gave us a shower, with an incredible cake and a huge turnout of co-workers and friends.  I was floored with how many people were there and how generous they all are.  When all was finished little baby Rau was set up not needing much more.  Thank you to everyone, your kindness and love have meant so much!

Vancouver 1/2 Marathon 2013

Painting the baby's room was only one of the many things Nick has been up to.  One of the other great accomplishments that he did was train for and participate in the 2013 Vancouver 1/2 marathon.  He outdid himself and set a new PR and beat his race time from last year.  Again the weather held out and the running conditions were pretty good.  This year we were joined by some more friends from our hometown and had a great time exploring the city with them.  We look forward to continuing this tradition, we may just need a babysitter next year.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

After a long road and a lot of hard work I am happy to announce that I am finally a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.  In addition to having to go to a specific certified university (UW), getting tons of hours of supervision, credits a masters degree and getting in an application, I had to pass the exam.  I studied for months, while trying to fight off pregnancy brain.  With only a 57% pass rate, I was relieved when I found out in February that I had passed the exam.  I can now officially consult privately or contract for schools and/or families for individuals with autism and other concerns with behavior.  We will see what happens after we settle in with the little one and where the career will go.   
3/29/2013 12:35:52 am

Wonderful update... You look more ready than we have ever been and we can't wait to meet him. Cheers

3/29/2013 01:58:21 am

An amazing update. I really enjoyed reading it. Congrats on passing your test! That is so exciting. I can't wait to meet baby rau.

3/29/2013 02:25:25 am

What a lovely update. I am so excited too meet baby Rau. You and Nick have done a amazing job with everything you both acompleshed this past year. Love you all, mums

Tom Rau
3/29/2013 02:25:02 pm

Looks like you are as ready as you can be. We are all excited. Is that red barn your next home?

Susie Dummer
3/29/2013 03:17:43 pm

What a great job! I can't wait for the big event. This is such a special time in your lives.


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