Summer has yet to slow down, but it has been great.  We traveled down to Albuquerque for our friend, Brian and Jen's wedding.  It was a great time.  The fun photos on our header are from his wedding, where they rented a photo booth for their guest book, what a great idea!  We enjoyed some hiking while we were down there and walked through cactus instead of evergreens... crazy.  We then returned home for just 1.5 days, just enough time to go out to eat to celebrate Nick's birthday and eat cupcakes that I bought from the farmer's market that I made quick toppers for, Nick put in a couple of hours at work, and to do our laundry just to repack it and head to Montana.  Making a sleep stop in CDA we then headed to Missoula with Nick's parents to visit Nick's brother Mike and his wife, Beth and their new baby, Andy, who is very cute and just like his parents... doesn't want to stop moving.  I'm sure he will grow to be very active as well.  We squeezed in a trip to the Missoula farmer's market and a couple of hours of mountain biking.  We spent the 4th of July in CDA and then had brunch with my mom before heading back to Silverdale.  But before we headed back we had one more thing to do... What really does fit in the Fit?  I love doing this (Nick can't say the same).  This time the challenge was... 2 suitcases, 2 sleeping bags and pillows, a few other bags and some odds-and-ends, 3 dogs (around 200 lbs of them) and everything that goes with moutain biking, including helmets, shoes, camelbacks, and 2 mountain bikes. Not to foget the driver and passenger as well.  No we don't have a bike rack, everything was inside, and yes we got it all to fit in the Fit.  The dogs, all three of them, even managed to figure out how to all lay down at once... I give them full credit for that, I'm not sure how they did it.  You can find photos of this under the projects tab... becauce truly it is a project.  Also under that tab you will find photos of Nick's cupcakes, his late birthday cake that I baked for him once we made it home again, and Andy's baby quilt.  Under the photos tab you can find some more photos of mtn. biking, courtesy of Trax. 

Baby Andy content while buzzing in his bouncy chair

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