Midway into our fifth month, it's starting to sink in a bit more that this is the way things are going to be and honestly we can't complain.  We have ventured out on many hikes and day adventures, an overnight camping trip and have traveled back to the homeland of CDA a few times too.  Hayden has experienced the bike trailer, the hustle and bustle of the Seattle trail system and bus system, sleeping in a tent, road trips, plane rides, the ocean air and mountain tops.  Here are some pics of the last few months... sorry about the delay :(  

 Also a shout out to Tanya and my now Brother In-Law Jason... it was a fun and beautiful wedding and we are so happy to have Jason and his family join our family.  I am excited for all of the future family gatherings... Cheers!
8/21/2013 01:54:32 am

Great pics of a good looking boy. Love the wedding outfit.

8/21/2013 03:38:07 am

Love the update! He is getting so big! I can't wait to see him again. Thanks for the shout out that was very sweet and we can't wait for all the family get together either.

nana julie
8/21/2013 03:58:26 am

What a lovely family we have. I love you all. Can't wait to see you guys next month. Hopefully in my new home.

8/21/2013 04:38:38 am

Love the pictures! Hayden's grown and changed so much in 5 months! I especially love the picture of him and Luna hanging out on the floor in his nursery. Looks like the two of them are getting along just fine. Much love to you all!


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