The last few months have continued to be full of great adventures.  Hayden has sprouted two lower teeth, more hair, countless smiles and has enjoyed eating solids of any kind.  Hayden is continuing to grow like a cute little weed and is in the 95% for both his height and weight! We enjoyed a great reunion with Nick's college roommates and their families in CDA at the lake.  We also enjoyed a great family trip to Jasper and Banff Canada, even camping out for one night... in October.  Over the last few days Hayden has even begun to "inchworm" towards desired things, perhaps we have a crawler not too far off (yikes!).  Time has flown by and we can't believe that 7 months have already gone by and that we are more than 1/2 way to Hayden's 1st birthday.  
Midway into our fifth month, it's starting to sink in a bit more that this is the way things are going to be and honestly we can't complain.  We have ventured out on many hikes and day adventures, an overnight camping trip and have traveled back to the homeland of CDA a few times too.  Hayden has experienced the bike trailer, the hustle and bustle of the Seattle trail system and bus system, sleeping in a tent, road trips, plane rides, the ocean air and mountain tops.  Here are some pics of the last few months... sorry about the delay :(  

 Also a shout out to Tanya and my now Brother In-Law Jason... it was a fun and beautiful wedding and we are so happy to have Jason and his family join our family.  I am excited for all of the future family gatherings... Cheers!
It's hard to believe that it was just about 2 months ago that we were in the hospital waiting (or should I say working) to meet our little guy.  The past 7 weeks have been pretty incredible to say the least.  Hayden's grandparents made it out to see him as well as his Aunt Tanya and his family members Cassie, Dan and Sydney.  Soon his Aunt Kendra will be visiting as well.  With each visit came some great company and some much appreciated help.  We can't thank our families enough for the time that they have spent with us so far.  Hayden is already changing and growing.  In addition to his hair becoming lighter and some falling out, he has definitely grown longer and is currently gaining around a 1/2 lb a week.  He is beginning to smile and coo and has even thrown out a pitiful pout or two.  While we have been enjoying our time around the house as a family we have also been venturing out, Nick ran a community 5 mile race while Hayden and I cheered him on.  We have joined back in with our Thursday night dinner group, adding the 8th kid to the mix... bringing our group count up to 24.  Hayden has even let us sit down (or bounce, swing, or walk) to enjoy some dinners out.  We continue to laugh at the joys of new parenting like getting peed on at least once a day and even getting poo in my hair at 1:00 in the morning.  Just when we think we have things figured out Hayden changes things up... it's nice of him to keep us on our toes :)  So far Hayden has also fallen into the Rau way of doing things and loves to move... currently he is enjoying us holding him while we bounce on the exercise ball, it's rare that he will tolerate us sitting on the couch with him, unless of course he is asleep and that is when we get to soak up all the cuddles that we can.  
I also got to enjoy my first Mother's Day and Hayden even let me cuddle with him, we went out for pastries in the morning  and Nick grilled up some juicy steaks for dinner.  It was a very relaxing day and I look forward to many more mother's days that I get to spend celebrating with Hayden.  Also a warm shout out to our moms, thank you for all that you guys have ever done for us a continue to do for us.  As I embark into motherhood I am beginning to understand just all that you guys have done and the depth of love that you have shared, and I am sure at  times have had to hold back on for our own learning advantages... Thank You! 
First Week-

We had the pleasure of welcoming Hayden Rodney Rau into the world on 4/5/2013 at 12:40 AM.  He was 8 lbs, 7 oz and 20 inches long.  We are also happy to report both Mom and Baby are doing great.  The days are already flying by, as we just realized he is a week old and we have not posted any pictures yet.  Below are a few of our favorites so far. Stay posted for more frequent posts in the future!
Once again it has taken us a while to update our blog, so we apologize.  Things have been busy for a growing reason.  The pictures below will show what we have been up to in addition to growing the little one.  Overall the pregnancy has gone well and we feel privileged for how smooth things have gone.  We are currently trying to get prepped the best we can for the labor process.  It turns out this lifestyle over the past 9 months doesn't continue for another 9 months, a baby really will come... ready or not.    We are getting excited to welcome the little one into our world.  So far there has not been too many signs that he is going to show up in the next few days, however the doctor did confirm that things are moving forward, so I guess it is time for Nick and I to put the car seat in the car and to pack the bags.  In addition to what the doctor noticed, I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks a little more often and I am starting to get a little more uncomfortable but overall not too bad.  We still have not told anybody the name, so you will all have to wait until he shows up.  I have a feeling it might be a little while before our next update, but hang tight because I am sure the next update will include many pictures of the new little one.   

The baby's room

We've been working hard to convert our office into the baby's room.  Looking back at the photos of the office I shutter with disgust... I am so happy that we had such a wonderful excuse to go through that room.  In addition to replacing the carpet in all of the rooms we also painted our guest room and of course the baby's room.  I found the image of these mountains in a magazine a few years back and have loved it ever since. However, no decision is ever easy for me and Nick so we had to throw around some other ideas before we finally decided to go with the mountains.  Nick worked really hard and did such a great job!  It was a lot of taping, which prevented a lot of bleed through, and a lot of waiting for paint to dry... he was up pretty late on some work nights to make his pregnant wife happy.  The mobile above the crib was made by our friend Ashley for the shower that our Dinner Group put on for us, we love it and it goes great with the room.  We still have some more things to hang up on the walls, but it is close to being finished. 

Family, Friends and Co-workers Spoil Baby Rau

We are so thankful and privileged to have such wonderful people in our lives.  Baby Rau already has so many people who care about him.  We had not one but three showers thrown for this little guy.  Each one was incredible and unique and hit a special spot, people really know us well and made each shower extremely special.  My family threw a shower back in CDA, which was great to see all of my family and friends that I grew up with, and Tanya did an amazing job with an incredible diaper cake which supplied us with many of the things we overlooked needing (bath stuff, diapering necessities and of course some toys).  The dinner group threw a North West Washington themed shower with raindrops, Bigfoot, Seattle seascape and some great games, lots of handmade decorations that look great in the nursery.  My workplace also gave us a shower, with an incredible cake and a huge turnout of co-workers and friends.  I was floored with how many people were there and how generous they all are.  When all was finished little baby Rau was set up not needing much more.  Thank you to everyone, your kindness and love have meant so much!

Vancouver 1/2 Marathon 2013

Painting the baby's room was only one of the many things Nick has been up to.  One of the other great accomplishments that he did was train for and participate in the 2013 Vancouver 1/2 marathon.  He outdid himself and set a new PR and beat his race time from last year.  Again the weather held out and the running conditions were pretty good.  This year we were joined by some more friends from our hometown and had a great time exploring the city with them.  We look forward to continuing this tradition, we may just need a babysitter next year.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

After a long road and a lot of hard work I am happy to announce that I am finally a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.  In addition to having to go to a specific certified university (UW), getting tons of hours of supervision, credits a masters degree and getting in an application, I had to pass the exam.  I studied for months, while trying to fight off pregnancy brain.  With only a 57% pass rate, I was relieved when I found out in February that I had passed the exam.  I can now officially consult privately or contract for schools and/or families for individuals with autism and other concerns with behavior.  We will see what happens after we settle in with the little one and where the career will go.   



                   or TREAT? 

Girl or Boy?




Our little pumpkin is a BOY !

With four dogs who needs a dog park?  It was an exciting couple of days for the clan at the Rau's Doggy Hostel.  3 was good but 4 was great!  The spread of dog beds, the wrestling, and never ending tail wagging, along with great weather, made for a great time.  With four active dogs there was always a dog willing to play with the other one who was ready to play and then another who was willing to referee.  On Saturday we loaded all four wagging tails into the Subaru and hauled them all off to an old tree farm.  While Nick a I hiked over four miles, we are sure the dogs put in close to 8.  They all managed to squeeze in a nice mud bath and one dog "need we say who?" even managed to coat themselves in a nice "earthy" smell.  
We are now back down to 3, Samson has returned home to her exciting new life with a new little baby girl.  Congratulations Barb and Todd and welcome baby Virginia!
Down to Moab we went to get the most out of spring break.  I am into my 3rd trimester of my first year of teaching and Nick has been pretty contempt at work.  Needless to say spring break was a nice change of pace and enjoyed to a great extent.  We hit up the famous Porcupine Rim, Slick Rock and visited Arches National Park with a day pass to explore the Fiery Furnace.  We also visited the Poison Spider Bike shop much more than we would have liked. 
 After our arrival on a Sunday afternoon, we found a great campsite by Slick Rock.  We took a nice little 3 mile jaunt on Practice Loop and then settled in for the night.  The next day we headed out on the 10 mile loop of Slick Rock, not much more than 5 miles out Nick ran into an issue with his wheel and he had to walk his bike out for the next 4.5 miles.  We spent that afternoon at the bike shop.  The next day we headed to Porcupine Rim and just about 3 miles in as we began to crest the top of the 3 mile climb the De-railer Hanger on Nick's bike completly broke off... and again Nick found himself walking up hill to get back to the car with me rolling along side of him.  Again we found ourselves at the bike shop that afternoon.  So we went to practice loop that evening for a short ride when my chain broke, but that was an easy fix so we were on our way before too long.  After a windy night in our tent and finding sand in our teeth the next morning we headed back to Porcupine Rim to give it another try.  Successfully we completed the 20ish mile ride.  If you have ever had the pleasure to ride slick rock than you can appreciate the serene and energetic gain of the ride.  It pushed me to step up a level or two on my mountain bike, but it was an enjoyable push and I was happy that we made it to town without injury to ourselves or our bikes, with the exception of the easy fix of another broken chain, only this time on Nick's bike.  After a good lunch Nick headed back up the hill another 10 miles to retrieve the Fit.  The next day we spent in Arches National Park. Amazingly, despite our habit of not planing,  we managed to get the last day passes to explore into the Fiery Furnace.  We found ourselves trekking inbetween long, skinny fins of rock, discovering arches and helping lost families find their ways back to the parking lot.   Upon arriving back to our campsite, Nick discovered our sleeping bags covered in a blanket of sand and our pillows displaying a nice, circular, Zen pattern of red sand.  Upon our next glimpse at the tent we found it collapsing upon itself from the wind that was going to continue to blow through the rest of the night.  We decided to shake everything out and then throw it into the car.   We found a hotel in town that night and treated ourselves to a nice Italian dinner in down town Moab and completed the night with ice cream and a hot shower.  
        We set out the next day after a quick morning ride and stopped in Pocatello to enjoy the great company of Kate and Dustin "Roqinstud".   We were extremely grateful for the comfortable bed that they offered and the surprisingly good sushi that we had in Pocatello, but even more grateful for the time that we got to spend with some good friends.  The next night we crashed in Coeur D'Alene and caught up with more wonderful friends that we do not see near enough; Charlie, Amanda, Jessi, and Britni.  Nick and I were also privileged in being able to share some great meals with our family catching up with my sister and her kids, my mom for  an enjoyable breakfast, and Nick's parents for a nice dinner.  The next day, Sunday, we had a weeks worth of over packed camping gear shoved into the back of the car to make room for 3 dogs.  Again, what fits in the Fit was successfully played.  Luna was joined by the great company of Roo and Max as we headed our journey back home to Silverdale.  
     We have since made it through our first week back.  I am counting down the days to Summer break and I can finally say that we have fewer days of school than days of summer break.  The dogs are doing great and are consistently working on their wrestling skills.  Nick is reminded of the "wonderful" Northwest as he completes his first mountain bike ride back in Washington and needs to shower to get off all of the wet mud caked to his face, it's no longer the red sand of Moab.   We are privileged that we live so close to some good mountain biking, even if we are coated in mud 9 out of 12 months of the year.    

In just over a year she is finally finished.  After putting on a few final touches this past week we strapped the kayak to the top of the Subaru (we decided not to play what fits on the Fit, I think the great little car may have tipped!) and drove down about a ½ mile to Island lake where she was launched for the first time.  Not only did she float, but she carried us right where we wanted her to and held us steady as we paddled around.  On Wednesday we hope to do our first salt water experience in the Puget Sound.  After a few more paddles we will yet again place her back into dry dock to give her a final sanding and a coat of varnish.  Stay tuned for the many adventures to come!

Summer has yet to slow down, but it has been great.  We traveled down to Albuquerque for our friend, Brian and Jen's wedding.  It was a great time.  The fun photos on our header are from his wedding, where they rented a photo booth for their guest book, what a great idea!  We enjoyed some hiking while we were down there and walked through cactus instead of evergreens... crazy.  We then returned home for just 1.5 days, just enough time to go out to eat to celebrate Nick's birthday and eat cupcakes that I bought from the farmer's market that I made quick toppers for, Nick put in a couple of hours at work, and to do our laundry just to repack it and head to Montana.  Making a sleep stop in CDA we then headed to Missoula with Nick's parents to visit Nick's brother Mike and his wife, Beth and their new baby, Andy, who is very cute and just like his parents... doesn't want to stop moving.  I'm sure he will grow to be very active as well.  We squeezed in a trip to the Missoula farmer's market and a couple of hours of mountain biking.  We spent the 4th of July in CDA and then had brunch with my mom before heading back to Silverdale.  But before we headed back we had one more thing to do... What really does fit in the Fit?  I love doing this (Nick can't say the same).  This time the challenge was... 2 suitcases, 2 sleeping bags and pillows, a few other bags and some odds-and-ends, 3 dogs (around 200 lbs of them) and everything that goes with moutain biking, including helmets, shoes, camelbacks, and 2 mountain bikes. Not to foget the driver and passenger as well.  No we don't have a bike rack, everything was inside, and yes we got it all to fit in the Fit.  The dogs, all three of them, even managed to figure out how to all lay down at once... I give them full credit for that, I'm not sure how they did it.  You can find photos of this under the projects tab... becauce truly it is a project.  Also under that tab you will find photos of Nick's cupcakes, his late birthday cake that I baked for him once we made it home again, and Andy's baby quilt.  Under the photos tab you can find some more photos of mtn. biking, courtesy of Trax. 

Baby Andy content while buzzing in his bouncy chair